Care Coordination

Keep your family on the same page, and stay on top of the details.

Avanlee makes organizing the details easy!

Notifications will let the family know of important changes in routine and medical reminders, for greater care of an aging parent or loved one.
Using Reminders

To set up your loved ones’ medications and events, simply go to the schedule page in the upper left corner of your Summary page.

You can see existing and upcoming events, medications, and activities in the Calendar tab as well as view previously completed schedules in the History tab at the top of the page.

To add medications or events, click on the plus sign on the lower right side of the screen. To add a new schedule, select Medication or Event from the tab at the top of the page.

For medication, you can search for medication directly, and then, if needed, click on the edit cog on the left-hand side of the medication to edit the information about the medication. Add the time and repeat frequencies, and set reminders if desired, and click Add. That's it!

You can edit existing events or medications by clicking edit and clicking on the event you want to update. You can also add events/ medications from this screen.

Receiving Notifications

When it's time to complete a scheduled event or activity, you’ll see the event or medication’s title in the Pending Reminders section of the Summary Page. All your care receiver needs to do is select whether they completed or skipped the notification.

Download for iOS & Android
Empower your entire family to be fully engaged in the daily care of your aging loved one.