The Caregiver's Blog

Helping caregivers provide better care

Let's make caregiving better together!

Our passion is simplifying caregiving for you and your loved ones. We want to help you to stress less and enjoy more quality time together. Our goal with this blog is to give you information and tools that will help you do exactly that!

Expressing Gratitude for Caregivers
Mira Sherman
At one point or another in each of our lives, we'll need someone to help give us care. It could be after the birth of a child, during a period of illness, or simply as we continue to age. Those caregivers are instrumental in each of our lives, and at some point, we may each become caregivers.
Caregiving is hard. We can help.
Mira Sherman
In early 2021, my husband's job moved us out of state for the next few years. Although the change is exciting, I came face to face with many of the logistical challenges that caregivers across the country face with providing remote caregiving support to their loved ones.
Simplifying Grocery and OTC Access for Aging Americans
Mira Sherman
Food insecurity or "a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food" impacts many Americans and especially impacts aging adults. In 2021, nearly 1 in 6 aging adults were affected by some type of food insecurity.
Senior Caregiving With Multiple Family Members
Avanlee Christine
If I mention group projects, you might think back to high school or college when you worked with five of your peers on a class project that may have been disorganized. When multiple family members act as caregivers, the process can feel like a chaotic group project with many moving parts and varying degrees of involvement.
4 Fun Spring Activities for Seniors
Mira Sherman
It’s finally spring (yay!)—the air is warming, the grass is growing, flowers are out, and the long winter is wrapping up. Spring has always been one of my favorite times of the year, and many of my favorite memories of spring have been spent with my grandparents.
Exercise for Seniors: Top Benefits & 3 Easy Workouts
Mira Sherman
It’s no surprise that physicians recommend maintaining an active lifestyle as we age. Regular exercise benefits seniors and older adults by strengthening their immune system, boosting their mood, and improving their overall health.
How to Get Support as a Family Caregiver
Mira Sherman
More than 20% of Americans act as caregivers for family or friends, and many don’t ask for help. Common myths about caregiving often make those serving as caregivers feel isolated, stressed, and misunderstood.
Helping Seniors with Technology: 3 Easy Tips
Mira Sherman
According to Pew Research, more older Americans use tech now than ever before. But as technology evolves faster and faster, it can be hard to stay on top of products. The adoption process can be even more stressful for seniors who didn’t grow up with tech constantly surrounding them.
5 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Burnout this Winter
Mira Sherman
There can be just as much chaos between November and January as there is Holiday cheer. After the holidays slow down, the winter doldrums can kick in, and it’s important to take time for yourself to avoid caregiver burnout. For as much time as you spend caring for others, it’s important to make sure you’re taking time to prioritize yourself this holiday season to avoid caregiver burnout.
Getting Started Managing Medications with Seniors
Mira Sherman
Here at Avanlee Care, our passion is simplifying caregiving for you and your loved ones and helping you stress less and enjoy more quality time together. Want to learn more about getting started with managing medications with the seniors in your life? We’ve gathered some of our favorite steps for managing medications with seniors from across the internet and compiled them below. We hope you find them as interesting as we have!
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